Support the Ukrainians - Today and now! Our organization is open for cooperation in the field of humanitarian assistance to citizens of Ukraine

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What Is Going On In Ukraine?

On February 24th 2022 our hearts stopped for a moment as we learned that Russia invaded the independent state of Ukraine for no reason. What started as a “special military operation” against Ukrainian military objects, soon escalated into a large-scale war against the nation of Ukraine.

At the very same moment, as you are reading these words, the Russian troops keep on conducting active hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. Death and destruction follow Russian soldiers everywhere they go. Sadly, the army does not discontinue clashes with the defending Ukrainian army.

Civilians suffer too.

Children, women, the elderly – the peaceful nation is being bombarded and targeted in countless cities, towns, and villages. Immeasurable acts of violence are carried out throughout the country by soldiers encircling it from three directions. The Russian invasion proceeds against all norms of international law with noncombatant buildings being destroyed and local inhabitants killed.

Together – we can help those in need.

About Us

Our organization "UKRAINIAN FORTRESS" was officially established in 2015, but in 2014 we started working to help our friends and relatives who went to defend Ukraine from Russian aggression.

At that time, it was the usual help to our comrades who needed help on the first line of contact. Our team was simple - people who defend the homeland and those who support them.

Our activities are aimed at the development of a successful state and the well-being of Ukrainians. Therefore, we are open to any cooperation for the development of Ukraine as a country.

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